This Storage box has been staring at me for a few days now…
…and blessed with a few hours of daylight today was a good day to do something about it…
You never now if the doily is a success before it has met the ironing…
A few did not make the cut and ended life in the garbage and a few just don`t fit anywhere in my home…
Most of the time I just grab some yarn and make something with no plan for where and when…
White crocheting and white IKEA shelving is a bright idea:)
Anyway…I do not need to clean doilies in the upcoming year. I will grab a new one when in need…
Sunday evening and I have earned my treat…
One more week keeping my diet and I have earned a 30g chocolate.
In Trondheim…
Anton was busy helping grandma and grandpa with the paint and wallpaper…
This is not going fast enough:)
Filed under: Everyday Life Tagged: crocheting, Week in the life 2014